Refunds Manager Affiliate Program

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Refer friends and followers to the #1 FBA reimbursement service

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10,000+ Satisfied

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Coverage for US, Canada, Mexico, UK, and Europe

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Refunds for 19 Case Types and Counting

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Approved App in the Seller Central Partner Network

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We Follow Amazon's Terms of Service

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Proprietary Auditing Software to Catch Errors

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Expert Auditors to Review Discrepancies & File Claims

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No Money Charged Upfront Making It a No Brainer

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New Customers Are Audited Dating Back 18 Months

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Earn extra income from a service every seller needs
Tell your friends, family, and followers about Refunds Manager and share your unique link to get credit. For each person who signs up with your link, you will receive a 10% commission for the first year of each customerbs service. Considering how much our expert auditors can recover for sellers, you can earn a lot!

Create a YouTube video about RefundsManager and include your link in the description or simply send your link to the sellers you know.
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We find and resolve errors in as little as 48 hours for new customers.
You will start earning in just a few days.

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